This first sheep meme might be true. I think I might have eaten there before.
I think you know where these sheep memes are headed…

If I was a sheep, I would probably look like the sheep in this next meme. People would say “Man, you look like sheep!”

I probably eat pesticides all day too because I can’t afford organic.
NPR has an article with the title “Is This A Goat Or A Sheep? It’s Harder Than You Think” which actually sounds like something a lonely farmer would of said to that goat before…well you know.
Tell your nephew that the picture above is how sheep are born. Then tell you sister your sorry.
Or is it…Mary had a little lamb…now Mary has a Candy Crush addiction.
I don’t count sheep to help me fall asleep…I count wool.
“Maybe if you take off one more leg…”
This next meme might be true. We will never know.
Actually, I think you want us to stay away from your teats.
“What if I don’t say anything and there is a strong wind?”
People thought I ate paint chips as a kid and I’m fine… but “fine” depends on your point of view.
Look at that lambs eyes…I think it has a concussion.
But you can tell them about the “don’t eat turds” rule.
That kid probably did.
Well, you could definitely make a stuffed panda…or mutton.
I made a sheep album.

Like memes? Check out more of my funny memes from the blog.
- Thank You for These Sheep Pictures
- The photo of the three-legged sheep was taken by Chris Hearn.
- The photo of the concussed lamb was taken by Mats Lindh.
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